360°Coverage Bug Zapper

Mosquito bites pose a considerable health risk, with mosquito-borne diseases causing millions of deaths a year worldwide. Malaria, one of the most commonly known diseases unique to mosquitos, killed around 438,000 people globally.

 House flies (along with other species of filth flies) are known to spread a range of harmful diseases. The World Health Organization  estimates that house flies are responsible for transmitting at least 65 Diseases. These diseases can have an impact on both customer and staff health, resulting in damages to income, brand reputation and staff retention.

It has also been proven that house flies can transmit food-borne pathogens and their associated toxin and resistance.  Areas in close proximity to animal production sites are at higher risk of accumulating food borne diseases from flies.

With this Rechargeable Bug Zapper you can Eradicate Flies and Mosquitoes in your home  and  be safe

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